วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 11 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

Domain Name Secrets Revealed

If the Internet is all about interactivity between sites, the domain name is the gateway to interactivity. It is your identity on the Internet, as the name of his best friend, what is your own personal identity. From a user's point of view, a domain name is the type of the address bar of your browser in order to achieve a certain website. For example, domain names from our site are www.kigoobe.com and may have access to this area by using the domain name www.kigoobe.com. But the scene behind the screen is not exactly the same. Even if we see that computers use domain names to communicate over the Internet, the fundamental things they use to communicate is something called Internet Protocol address (also called IP address). It is simple and a numeric IP address can also be 10100011.00011011.00010101.10010011 Such a combination of zeros and they are called binary numbers. To make it easier for people IP addresses are converted into binary to decimal numbers, and the result is something like: This seems easy, but when thousands and millions of Web pages is at stake This type of numbering system, but better than the first, is still putting problems, then at the end of 1983, the University of Wisconsin was presented with a solution to it, and it is to replace these numerical values with appropriate text. So here begins the story of www.kigoobe.com or www.yahoo.com or www.microsoft.com. Of course, you will agree that it's much easier to remember that all these 1 2 3 4… Another important concept in this context and what you can find very often is the URL. A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) can be said that the exact address with its domain name. For example, the URL of the domain name is www.kigoobe.com http://www.kigoobe.com. If you want to see in action, open another window www.kigoobe.com and type in their address bar. If you press the Enter key after, you will see that kigoobe.com was amended so http://www.kigoobe.com page loaded. It is the URL. Your browser changes for themselves. If we have this in different regions, we will find http, www, kigoobe, and no. http:Hyper Text Transfer Protocol. Protocol is for a set of standards for communications. The transmission, we all know. Hyper text refers to the texts that contain links to other texts, without being obliged to be linear. In this way, can have text, graphics, photos, audio, video and other multimedia files, etc. But if we take together, http, or Hyper Text Transfer Protocol is a set of rules, which come into force during transfer Hyper this type of text files via the Internet. www: World Wide Web. It refers to the public all sites in the world. It also includes FTP (File Transfer Protocol) files, Usenet newsgroups, etc. kigoobe: You can be something, whatever you want. We chose Kigoobe one day a few yahoo, you can choose your yourbusiness or, in any case. com: The most widely used top-level domain. Other top-level domain names. Org,. Net. Edu,. We Gov. Br, etc. Do you have any questions? Why not write just for us and we will try to find an answer to your question! You will receive our contact information at http://www.kigoobe.com target = new Paris design Web sites. Happy surfing. Cheers. A biological anthropology professor, the author is the owner of a Paris-based web-design Kigoobe. If someone is going to publish this article, please let us know, there is no limit, but we want to know how our articles have been published. A link is also asked to http://www. Kigoobe.com / en / home.html Cr? tion of the site of Paris
