วันอาทิตย์ที่ 21 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

How to Profit with Domain Name Speculation

Domain speculation has been a great company. According to recent studies, the average domain name bought and sold by speculators domain names made a 377% profit. In addition, the average domain name was sold for 12.5 months. Speculation of the domain name implies the continuation of domain names that appear valuable, and I hope that the domination in the hope that someone want to buy in the future. With a domain name business.com, this can provide great returns. Business.com sold for over $ 7 million! When the domain name speculators to buy a domain name, usually made a page that shows that the domain is for sale. It is a kind of free publicity, some of which are interested in the domain name, of course, check the site to see if there is a competitor, or if the area can be purchased. But the area of sales is not the only domain name speculators make money. In addition to advertising on this page is for sale, most domain speculators park their domain names with a domain parking service. These services in a simple tent site free, content and location sensitive advertising in the parking lot. They share advertising revenue with the owner of the domain. In this way, the domain name speculators get free Web hosting for your domain, sometimes with advertising revenue. There are important considerations that must be taken into account before embarking on a domain name speculation career. While it is always advisable to buy high quality domain names available, a regular income of speculation in domain names May require significant resources. Cost an amount of the purchase of domain names is required to make a steady income, and is not to become rich quickly as possible. As a domain name speculator, you must carefully analyze the domain name services and communicate with them about the possibility of buying in large quantities. A domain name purchase many speculators? And maybe even hundreds? domain names per day, and thus find the best discounts on domain names. Many leave Norway for domain names that can be purchased with significant discounts. To exploit these opportunities will probably be the difference between success and failure in this type of company. Determine the domain names to purchase can be difficult. It is very difficult to find high quality. Com name. But do not rule out that the country specific extensions. As countries get their own extension, a new world of high quality available domain names is open to speculators. New top-level domains are created every time and, more recently. Jobs domain name was created. Computer.jobs a name that could be very useful in the long term. While much has been said about the purchase of the name Mcdonalads.com, this practice is not particularly productive. Trademark laws allow companies with brand names for domain names that infringe its trademarks. Thus, instead of a big salary for the registration of a company's trade name, it is very likely to be served with a lawsuit demanding that the name to lose. Speculation on the domain name must be seen for what it is: an investment opportunity. Like all investments, profitability is based on the wisdom and decision-making skills of the investor. Rex Ryan maitains site: http://www.domainnamesnews.info http://www.domainnamesnews.info
