วันเสาร์ที่ 13 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

Good Domain Names Make Your Dreams Memorable

What was the name of this area? It's good. It has nothing to do with ... Is your site, like many others? Domain names always the tip of a visitor of the language, but not particularly memorable enough? The choice of domain names should be easy to remember, and focused enough that the user knows immediately what is your site. Some rules, certain rules apply to determine a domain name: <li> domain names must be at least two characters, but not more than 63 characters, not including the top-level domain. </ Li> <li> You can use any combination of letters, numbers or script, but you can not always possible to use a hyphen as the first or last characters. </ Li> <li> domain names are not sensitive, so my home business-advisor.com is the same as the Mi-Home-Based-Business-Advisor.com. </ Li> Get a domain name selection domain name is almost as important as the selection of its ongoing operations (see our Web Start-up ideas). There are many schools of thought when it comes to choosing a good domain name. Some say that choosing a short and sweet. Some, like figures in the name, others do not. Scripts and highlights - rather than the words running together - is another matter under discussion. It is essentially a matter of reading easier for visitors to humans. What seems easier to read? myhomebasedbusinessadvisor my_home_based_business_advisor my home-based business consultant in general hyphen between the words as domain names easier to read for most people. Even if search engines are not the domain names, a keyword rich will name their visitors what your site is about before coming. This makes them more comfortable because they know what they get in advance. Furthermore, to reach other sites link to the site, this link is usually based on the domain name. This means that the most important keyphrase (you use your domain name) is the current anchor text and search engines give more than for classification. Domain names play an important role in their dream to remember for the rest of the world. Take the time to do it well, and his dream of a home-based business will be seen through the World! For a more detailed explanation of domain names and domain registration, and advice for their biggest home business, you can go to http://www.my-home-based- business-advisor.com/ezinearticlesdnr target = _blank My Home-based Business Advisor.
Terry Nicholls My Home-based Business Advisory
me-home-business-advisor.com copyright? Terry Nicholls. All rights reserved. Terry Nicholls wrote his own experience as someone who wanted to start their own businesses founded. Now he has, you can go to http://www.my-home-based-business-advisor.com/ezinearticleshome target = _blank My Home-based Business Advisor - Support his home and businesses to succeed the free use of its home-based business, including ideas, start-up and expansion advice.
