วันศุกร์ที่ 19 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

What You Need to Know About Choosing A Domain Name

Aside from the nuts and bolts of how to register domain names and buying a great service for hosting a small budget, there are things to know about buying a good domain name that only 'experience can teach. Here are some tips to get started on the right foot: 1. Buy. No, and not with other problems. Even if the domain name players have ido a few problems with the publication and marketing for us in terms of availability of other extensions such as. Org,. Net. We and others ... but there is no real reason to buy anything but. Comm. If you have a domain name other than . No I strongly recommend that you get. Or, if it is not possible, you should consider finding a new domain name. The reason is simple: if the point of having a website is to get people to go, the best rule is that it is easy to remember. If their customers have to think in order to arrive at your site, and perhaps even write in a bad area first, before finally coming to you ... you want to change so they do not. 2. Buy your own name. What better way to make it easier for customers to find you? As you know, better Internet, and you build your customer database will be increasingly important for customers to find you, based on his own behalf. Buy your personal name, you can build the credibility of its brand identity and makes it easy to Google . Have you ever tried to write in only his first name and last name on Google? Try to see what happens. If it does not appear in the results, you want to work. And the purchase of its own name as a domain name is a simple and very effective to begin. 3. Buy the most common misspellings of your domain. Even if you follow the advice of (2), May-be inevitable that some of its visitors spelling in your area. It is a human error. Hence, even if May not be obvious to you as a first step, should put their antennae to find out. The first clue? If you misspell their own domain name, it is more likely than others. Be sure to capture the most common. For example, www.Google.com, www.Gogle.com www.Gooogle.com and get everyone on the same page. Why? Google give people write too few or too many bones and was designed so that all who are in the right place. 4. Please check your domain names for Odd or no meaning. It's a bit mixed, because if your domain name appears to be something very fun, maybe just that much easier to remember and give you freedom of movement. But can you not want to remember this way, traffic and results that could be bad for you. (False target market just clogs the system, using the bandwidth and create customer service issues that you do not.) Therefore, make a double-checking to see if your domain is said something you did not expect. What should I do? http://www.newsextracts.com www.newsextracts.com is actually a cut, but could be interpreted as something more racy. http://www.whorepresents.com www.whorepresents.com is actually a place where you can find a player or agent responsible, but can be interpreted in another way. Last but not least, as with any online, e-commerce, the owners can afford to easily and quickly to ask our other clients, including What do you think is the best domain name for this project? Therefore, when you're in doubt, ask your customers what they think. Give them a sample of some areas that have reduced, and offers a prize of some sort to encourage participation. It works, and you come with potholes to avoid along the way. Andrea J. Lee coaches entrepreneurs and business owners online. As Thomas J. Leonard 's Director General, she helped build and manage the largest network and trainer of personal and business coaches in the world. Now, the general manager of Andrea J. Lee Group of Companies, write, speak and consultation on marketing, the Internet and enterprise systems. For more advice, visit http://www.39lessons.com/ www.39lessons.com
