วันพุธที่ 10 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

Selecting Your Domain Name - Things to consider

The choice of the domain name is your choice of a domain name can be a very frustrating process that many areas have already been sold. With 30,000 + domain names are sold each day can be a challenge to find the right domain name of your company. So what do you do? The name of your company May not be available or be too long. If you do think about doing business in the network at its launch, May his name not be appropriate for the site. What if your name is available for the country, but not the extension. No? If you want to buy. CA? How long is too long? Make a list of domain names and differences. Talk to people you trust and believe that the value or ask your regular customers. However, do not wait a long time about how 30000 domain names are sold per day. Here are some tips or things to consider when choosing your domain name. Using the company name using the company name as a domain name may be a good idea. But if the company name is really too long and complicated, it is wise May to consider seeking an abbreviation or another. As you acknowledge that you want to reflect what you do ... which makes it easier for people to remember his leadership and increase opportunities for people to guess the Web address without seeing it. Singularity gravitational choose a domain name is unique that you can avoid losing business to its competitors because it can not be confused with other domain names. You do not have to consider whether the domain name is easy to write and not too complicated. Most of domain names. COM se han ido, and many of them were bought to resell much more expensive. If you take a look on eBay, you will see a number of domain names for sale. A person who had already registered the domain name, Pope Benedict XVI before he announced the new name Pontífices and put up for sale on eBay immediately after the announcement. They sold for $ 200,000 +. Think carefully to buy the domain name to another person. First, you have to pay much more than to register a new name. Others, May you not have full ownership of it. It is possible to find alternatives such as the sale of a person can never be sold, and then eventually be available through a domain name registration of a couple of years on the road. Easy to write must select a domain name that is easy to write to avoid complicated domain name. He wants people to enter their Web address very easily. On misspellings be able to do them end up in the wrong place. Or, if the domain name contains a dash - the domain name and its competitors do not. There could find space. An example could be (note that only one of them is a real place): www.pc-world.com www.pcworld.com These can be very different Web sites, but the name is very easy to mix. Where in the world are your customers? If you choose a country code domain, for example. AC or simply buy one. No? If you are a real estate agent and you only sell houses in the city should buy only country code domain? Not necessarily. What about potential customers who are about to move? Are you a local landscape? Next, a country code domain May be the best solution. As the areas are selling very quickly so far. COM when people begin to use the country code domains. Customers and potential customers are more and more computer and Internet companies are starting to use the country code areas more attractive quickly. More domain name, if you are a company in Canada will have to wait to customers around the world consider the May election of its area at a time. CA Y. Extension COM. How this work is that the most important site can be. COM address, but if his ilk. Cadiz address is automatically forwarded to your account. COM-mail. You'll have to ask the roster. CA want to be protected. COM-mail. That is simple and low prices for domain names is not a major expense. Another advantage is that if you have a single domain name can prevent others reap the fruits of its advertising. People still try to enter a Web address. In a first as if you had purchased. Cadiz direction, and some buy the same name used. COM open their competitors field first. -------------------------------------------------- ------------< Br> Author apetersen@createitsimple.com Anette Petersen Create Web Consultant with a simple Web design, hosting and society domain is based in Halifax, Canada. His website is http://www.createitsimple.com http://www.createitsimple.com For more information, please send an e-mail to apetersen@createitsimple.com apetersen@createitsimple.com
