วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 11 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

Tips and Tricks To Getting Top Money for your Domain Names

Would you like that sort of person to sell his domain for thousands or millions of dollars? You can find areas of quality and resell them for large amounts of money. Now is the time of purchase and sale of high-domains. Now that the Internet boom is behind us, valuable names expire every day. The best way to find these areas is to use Internet services such as DomainsBot to eliminate the bad name. Or simply leave before the show that areas such as heat or Namewinner pool. So what makes a good domain name? It is generally short, simple words and areas 2-3 letter. Com. Networks, Y. Org is the best. The more the better. These can be difficult to find, but when you are, you can almost guarantee that you can do a lot of money on their part. When you buy a good domain name, get a good evaluation of the name in order to get an idea on the possible value (see AppraisalBlast.com). To sell its newly established, it must find a buyer. Below are the basic options for the sale of domain names at a glance: 1. Selling on Ebay That is easier and quicker to sell the domain name. There are several tips for landing a good sale on eBay. The first is the price low. People want a good deal. Once you have received an initial offer, to build people's attention in your name and create more bids. You can set a minimum price if you want to make sure that you get X amount of dollars. When the sale of its domain on eBay, you must ensure that the domain name is in the title of the description. Also an assessment to show potential buyers the value of the area. Keep your brief description, pure and really emphasize the importance and is rarely your area. For example, if your domain is 3 letters and ends with I , with an emphasis on how the letter 3 areas that are of great value to the end, I , as he does is usually Incorporated . If ends with the letter E May the Company . A little marketing saavy can go a long way. Once the field 0pp.com sold more than $ 200. The school has a number that is worth very little. However, I wish to emphasize the potential uses and potential. On the other hand, the use of an additional $ 1 for Bold announcement, and make sure that the auction ends on Sunday afternoon or evening. It was then that most people navigate through Ebay. It will be a big difference. 2. Sell Domain The only areas that continue to May want to put their name on sale on ebay.com, or Afternic Sedo. These are the most popular and some large sales that have taken place. The only drawback is that there are many areas that are now on sale and, in general, the region will receive a commission on something around 10%. In addition, May be a small fee for membership. Blast scores receive a minimal fee, but not the commission. Its scope will be more exposure, it is not only because there are hundreds of domains for sale. You can also have a good chance of selling in forums such as DomainState. The selling prices seem to be less. 3. Contact with large enterprises, deep pockets This approach takes time and patience. Let's say you bought a large domain names that works well for all companies in the stock market. You can find some of the major areas or businesses and make an offer to sell the domain name. Make sure the name of that doens't issues that have already been registered mark since May they be forced to renounce his name. You can access the Internet and find Web pages that deal with current stockpiles and find those who do not have the largest domain name. To provide these areas shows how the domain name is much better and help them. If you get a bite society, rewards are usually very generous! In short, the sale of areas for large sums of money based on two key elements. First, you must have quality control, which does not have any numbers or not for long. It must be clear and easily recognizable. . com is the best, but also on subjects such as . we is increasingly popular. The second Marketing, Marketing, Marketing! I'm on the stress he is not sufficient. You must create a good reason for someone to buy the field. How can take advantage of it. When these two steps are fulfilled, the sale is almost guaranteed! About the author Dayne Lord is a domain seller and the buyer, Web Developer, and the artist. Check if your domain name is worth one thousand http://www.appraisalblast.com target = _new http://www.appraisalblast.com also get your site reviewed by our Experts!
