วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 11 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

How to Choose the Right Domain Name for Your Company

As editor of DomainNameWire.com, I am often on e-mail from people who ask for advice on domain names. More precisely, what we'll review the registration of domain names for your company? This May is essential for some of you, but I hope that some of my readers to obtain this value. Let me start with things to avoid when you register a domain name to be used by the main site of the company. 1. Never use a hyphen. If it's true-name.com, many people forget the script to write his name in the browser or send an e-mail to you. This can result in losses. 2. Avoid the figures, if possible. Using figures that you must specify the domain name with others. For example2.com, you have to say to people is the number 2 instead of two, or even make a phone call. Below are the positive things to look for a domain name. 1. . Extension COM. It is essential that the domain name is available with A. COM extension. I've seen businesses and major websites are trying to get away. O. org net, and perhaps half of his country to visitors from other sites. Or worse yet, confidential e-mail is sent to the wrong area. 2. Easy to write. It is noteworthy that the spelling May be better than most! 3. Short. Try to keep the 2 or 3 and a maximum of 20 characters or less. These general guidelines that apply to their domain names. It is time that the manuscripts, numbers and non-.com domain extensions are good sites for education and a search engine optimized. But the most important area should follow the general guidelines. Good luck! Andrew Allemann is editor of the domain name http://www.domainnamewire.com son, news and views on the spot for the industry domain names.
