วันพุธที่ 10 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

Domain Name Strategies Maximize Profits

If you want to come with their original name, or if you want to buy someone else, here are some strategies to achieve a return on domain names. 1. Do it now! If you do, or think about finding a good domain name, do not procrastinate. Register or buy it now! I thought a good reputation, as evidenced by the availability, then slept on it. When I went to register the name se ha ido. A few years ago, one of my clients delay in the trial record his name, and in one month to another person is registered. The situation is even worse now. There are a lot of speculation in domain names. Many simply register a name with the hope to sell later to someone who wants desperately area. It is really true in the domain name registration world: If you Snooze, you lose. 2. Join Dot Com There are practical reasons why you should consider signing a name dot com if possible. When you go to sell, then CMO in general seem to plead for more money than other top-level domains. Why is that? It was suggested that dot net dot org, or are treated as second class, as owner or could not afford to buy the name dot com or its competitor had the vision to register first. (Of course, an Internet access provider with a net or a non-profit organization that has a dot-org not necessarily be perceived that way.) Also dot COM is easier for people to remember. If you have a dot-org or a net, is only one thing that people need to remember. Firstly, people should remember your name from the site, then you must remember that their TLD (Top Level Domain), is not widely taken dot com. May You lose traffic to your competitor dot com. 3. Is it practice? Do you have a company's use of domain names? Give your name and memorable card? Describe what your company or brand? Attainment that all brands? Script is free, numbers and other replacement or confusion? To give some factors mentioned above prior to registration or purchase of the domain name. It May be one of the best investments you have ever done. Cash Resources: Stephen J. Pope, President of Pope Consulting Inc., was to help clients maximize the profits of the company for more than twenty-five years. For profitable work at home Small Business Ideas, visit http://www.yenommarketinginc.com/ http://www.yenommarketinginc.com/ If you want to know more about profiting from domain names, please visit http : / translate.google.com / / Www.yenommarketinginc.com / domain-names.html http://www.yenommarketinginc.com/domain-names.html
